Moving Scrap Dragon to a different server

A. General

  1. This document is intended as a guideline for moving Scrap Dragon to a different server.

B. On the new Scrap Dragon Server:

  1. The Dragon folder can be moved in it’s entirety to the new server.This includes the program, data files, forms, reports, documentation & drivers.To avoid corruption of data, all users should be out of Scrap Dragon when copying data files.
  2. The Dragon folder must be shared, with appropriate permissions, on the new server.
  3. There are no services to install
  4. There are no registry entries required
  5. The system.dbf file must be updated with the new data path and new company path.This is done by running the syscomp.exe utility either from the server or from any workstation.
  6. The path to the logo file must be updated with the new server name.This is done in Scrap Dragon, Back Office, Maintenance, Setup, Program Options.It can be done from the server or any workstation.

C. On each Scrap Dragon Workstation:

  1. The shortcut to launch Scrap Dragon must be changed to point to the new server.
  2. In Scrap Dragon, Back Office, Maintenance, Setup, Local Computer Options, change any paths that include the server name.
  • a. The path to any custom scale reading programs is changed on the Peripherals Tab.
  • b. The pointers to the specific forms that Scrap Dragon prints will only need to be changed if they include the old server name in the path.For example, the pointer to the cashier receipt ‘forms\receipt7.frx’ would not have to be changed, but the pointer to the cashier receipt ‘\\server1\dragon\forms\receipt7.frx’ would have to be changed.
  • c. The form pointers are changed in on the tabs for Buy Printing, Sell Printing, and Other Printing.
  • d. The path to the license folder on the server is changed on the Imaging Tab.

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