Configuring Jpegger for e-mail image retrieval


In Jpegger, e-mail retrieval allows you to send pictures from any smart phone to jpegger and have those pictures associated with a ticket, shipment or pack.

E-mail was introduced in build 155. If your service has a build number prior to that build, you will need to update to the current package (You must update the entire install as Jpegger Config is required to configure e-mail). Build 155+ also incorporates our new licensing; you will need to contact Tranact to be sure the license is set up on our side or the service will not start.

Note: If you are upgrading a service prior to build 92, image table modifications will be made. These can potentially take many hours to run. Please contact Tranact if you require minimal downtime, or do the update after hours.


  1. You will need to create a dedicated account on your mail server for Jpegger.
  2. Your mail server must support IMAP as that is the only mail protocol we currently support.
  3. You will need the user name and password in the jpegger config.
  4. If using gmail, it must be configured to enable IMAP for forwarding. See the gmail documentation.
  5. If using gmail, you must also change the security settings in gmail to enable ‘Access for less secure apps’


  1. The configuration for the e-mail server is in Jpegger Config.
  2. Run Jpegger config, go to the E-Mail retrieval tab, and enter the following:
  3. IMAP4 Mail Server Host name: The host name or IP address of your mail server. For gmail, this is
  4. Port Number (usually 143): The TCP port number on which the IMAP service listens. Usually this is 143, except for gmail, this is 993
  5. User name: The dedicated Jpegger account name (include the @… following the name if required by your e-mail server) For gmail, include in the user name.
  6. User password: The password for the dedicated account
  7. Check for mail every ____ minutes: Have jpegger check the email account this frequently for new images. One minute is OK for testing, but we recommend a minimum of 3 minutes between checks so as not to bog down the jpegger server.
  8. Use SSL. Check this box if your Mail Server requires SSL. For gmail, you must select ‘Use SSL’

Once everything has been configured and the connection tested successfully, you can send images to Jpegger from your smart phone. Please note the following:

  • The subject line of the e-mail must contain the ticket number for the image.
  • If Jpegger cannot find existing images for the specified ticket number, the image(s) will not be added. If images are captured later with the specified ticket number, Jpegger will add the e-mailed images on the next connection to the e-mail server.
  • E-mails will be left in the inbox if they cannot be added; it is recommended that an e-mail client be used to check the account periodically and delete e-mails that could not be added. These e-mails may be forwarded back to the Jpegger account if the ticket number is known; remove the FW: from the subject line before forwarding and be sure the new subject line has the exact ticket number.
  • If you are having trouble getting Jpegger to retrieve e-mail, please contact TranAct for support.

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