Scrap Dragon version 7.2 introduced a separate payment rules table to accommodate the legislated payment restrictions. This is a departure from the method that was used in versions 7.0 thru 7.1. See the related article to set up commodity based payment restrictions in those versions, or just upgrade to the latest version.
- Set Maximum Cash payments and Maximum Daily Cash Payable.
- In back office; Maintenance; Setup; Program Options, Payments Tab – enter the Maximum Cash Payment and the Maximum Daily Cash Payable
- Add the Payment Rules maintenance screen to the user menu.
- in back office; maintenance; setup; Security (users & clearances).
- choose the operator from the list and click on the details tab.
- click on the user menu button.
- move the “Maintain Payment Rules” option from the left colum to the right column
- Save & exit.
- Enter each Payment rule. This will determine how Scrap Dragon limits the way certain commodities can be paid.
- From the user menu, click on “Maintain Payment Rules”
- The list tab shows a list of payment rules that have been created.
- The details tab is for editing or adding new payment rules.
- Click on the details tab and add a payment rule for each payment restriction.
- It is not necessary to create a payment rule for items that have no payment restrictions.
- Give each rule a name that you will recognize eg; ‘Copper’, ‘HVAC’, ‘Restricted’
- Specify the permitted payments for that rule.
- Specify if cash payments are allowed and if so, the holding period and maximum $ amount, if any.
- Specify if check payments are allowed and if so, the holding period and mail only, if required.
- Specify the default pay method for the payment rule. If there is only one pay method permitted, then this must also be the default.
- The default pay method only applies if the customer’s pay method is cash.
- Assign the payment rules to each commodity with payment restrictions. This will determine how Scrap Dragon splits the ticket into different payable lines.
- In back office; Master Files; Commodity; Commodity Master Files, Commodity Pricing Tab – assign the the payment rule to each restricted commodity.
choose the appropriate payment rule by name. - a payment rule does not need to be assigned to commodities without payment restrictions.
- In back office; Master Files; Commodity; Commodity Master Files, Commodity Pricing Tab – assign the the payment rule to each restricted commodity.
- Turn on the commodity based payment rules.
- After the restricted commodites have been assigned a payment rule, in back office; Maintenance; Setup; Program Options, General Tab – check the box labeled “Use Commodity Payment Rules”
- Specify if you want the system to ‘Split Payables’ based on the most lenient rules available, or ‘Combine Payables’ based on the strictest rule available.
- Specify if you want the hold until date calculations based on Calendar Days or Business Days. Business Days are Monday through Friday and exclude any other dates that you are closed, if they are specified as holidays in User Definable Tables.
Scrap Dragon will allocate the payments based on your rules.
- If a customer has a pay method of check, then all of the payment lines will be by check, divided between checks that can be paid immediately, checks that have to be held and checks that have to be mailed.
- If a customer has a pay method of cash, then Scrap Dragon will look to the commodity pay method default for those items that can be either cash or check. For example, if an item can be paid by check now or cash in 3 days, then Scrap Dragon will assume a cash voucher if the commodity default pay method is cash and assume a check if the commodity default pay method is check.
- A ‘Hold Until’ column has been added to all of the payable grids to indicate the earliest date that a payment can be made. Checks that must be mailed appear in Red in all of the payable grids. There is a ‘Payment Rules’ button in the A/P Detail screen that will display the legal payment limitations for the ticket based on the setup in the commodity file.
- Currently, the cashier can modify the payment lines without limitation. Scrap Dragon will NOT warn the cashier if an illegal paymethod is being used.
- The scale ticket is used for cash voucher payments. The ticket can indicate the amount of the payment that is restricted to check or future cash payment or if a check must be mailed. Sample forms are in the dragon\setup\sample forms\Thermal Star Wide\Scale Ticket folder.
Related Articles:
Using Commodity Based Payment Restrictions – Scrap Dragon version 7.0 and 7.1