How to upload to FINDER

How to setup Scrap Dragon to upload to FINDER

FINDER is the Florida Integrated Network for Data Exchange and Retrieval
It is sustained throught the Law Enforcement Data Sharing Consortium, in collaboration with the University of Central Florida through the Center for Law Enforcement Technology, Training and Research

Contact Info:
Jim McClure, Orange County Sheriff’s Office
FINDER Program Director
407-823-1689 (office) 407-448-5331 (cell)

The Center for Law Enforcement Technology, Training and Research

Scrap Dragon Setup (one time)

  1. Open the Purchase Export from the User Menu. If you don’t find Purchase Export on your User Menu, you can add it using Security Users & Clearances in the Back Office.
  2. Select the FINDER template from the template name list. If you don’t find the FINDER name in the template name list, add it as follows:
    • Click Import to import a new template. For older versions of Purchase Export the Import button may not be enabled. In that case, click Add New and enter FINDER as the template name. The import button should then be available.
    • For Folder, Browse to the templates folder which is under the Dragon root folder on the server.
    • For Name, Browse and select the template named FINDER_TEMPLATE.DBF
  3. Designate the output path. We suggest setting up a folder named FINDER under the Dragon root folder on the server. The file name will automatically be named with the current date.
  4. Save the Settings.

Scrap Dragon Export (do daily)

  1. Open the Purchase Export from the User Menu.
  2. Make sure the template name says FINDER. If not, select the FINDER template from the list.
  3. Enter the beginning and ending dates to export.
  4. Click Create Output
  5. The output file is now ready for upload to the finder system.

Upload to FINDER

  1. In your web browser, enter the URL
  2. Login using the credentials provided to you by your local law enforcement agency.
  3. Upload the file in the Scrap Dragon format using the instructions provided to you by your local law enforcement agency.

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