How To Set Up Multiple Drivers For A Single Account

When one account has multiple drivers delivering scrap, it is necessary to set up each driver as a customer in Scrap Dragon. This will allow the collection of the driver’s license and other customer specific information as often required by law for each individual delivering scrap. Using the default Pay To field in the customer account setup screen, these individual drivers can be linked together so that any scrap purchases will be recorded and paid to a single main account. Note that the default Pay To can be overriden when the scale ticket is created. This is useful for a driver that delivers for multiple customers. For each individual driver (customer) reassign the default Pay To account to the main or parent account as follows:

From the customer entry screen in scrap buying:

  1. Customer Ticket > select existing customer or New Cust.
  2. Select the ‘Pay To’ button at the bottom left.
  3. Select the Main or Parent account you wish to have this customer or driver linked to. Press ‘Ok’.

From the Back Office:

  1. Master Files > Customer > Customer Master
  2. Press ‘Find’ button at the bottom left.
  3. Select the customer or driver and press ‘Ok’.
  4. Select the ‘Buy’ tab and press the ‘Edit’ button.
  5. At the top, press the ‘Pay To’ button.
  6. Select the Main or Parent account you wish to have this customer or driver linked to. Press ‘Ok’.

With the default Pay To setup, any tickets for this customer will be created for reporting and payment to the linked account. This can be overrideden in the Ticket Info screen.

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