Scrap Metal Recycling Yards Can Pay Cash Safely & Securely

Utilizing An ATM Or Cash Dispenser At Your Yard Helps With Compliance, Fraud and Safety!

NCR ATM Pays Cash
In the world of Scrap Yard Management, cash is king. Peddlers selling scrap prefer the all mighty dollar over checks. With the ever changing laws being imposed by local, state and federal legislation, cash payment is becoming more difficult. With our Cash Management System, paying cash is a simple and effective process. A lot of states are now requiring an ATM or Cash Dispenser to disperse cash payments. North Carolina, a state that has cash payment restrictions, now allows cash payments with an ATM for all transactions. Utilizing a bar coded receipt peddlers have access to cash via an ATM or Cash Dispenser. This process eliminates the need for a cashier and streamlines the payment process, protects your cash from theft, internal fraud and provides accountability for cash transactions.

All transactions are stored in an internal database and can be tracked at all times using the EZcash software module to help keep a running balance of disbursed cash and payments. Internal fraud is a thing of the past as the barcoded receipt is generated by your Scrap Metal Software (Yard Management Software such as Scrap Dragon) and processed on the spot for accurate payment disbursement.

Long lines at the cashier station are eliminated as the ATM takes less than a minute to process the transaction and provide cash direct to your customers. Your cash is secure in a tamper proof safe which is housed in the ATM which helps to deter thieves. The delivery of cash to the premises can be controlled by Brinks, Loomis, Wells Fargo or one of the many trusted cash delivery services providing additional security for your yards benefit.

If your state is requiring a check payment system, we will soon be offering a check cashing ATM. Visit our booth #810 at the ISRI 2014 Convention in Las Vegas, NV and try it for yourself. This highly anticipated piece of equipment will help increase traffic at your yard by providing the peddler with a cash solution. TranAct’s new check cashing ATM will keep your peddlers on premise and they no longer have to go to a bank or check cashing place to cash their checks.

TranAct has been providing quality ATM and Cash Dispenser solutions for over 15 years! Trusted brands like NCR, GRG and Arca continue to provide high standards in safety and reliability which we pass on to you. Our developers are continually researching new technologies to create quality Scrap Metal Software solutions for all your yard management needs.

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