How to setup Scrap Dragon for Georgia scrap laws

Compliance with the 2012 Georgia scrap laws requires Scrap Dragon version 7.0 or later and Jpegger version 2.0 or later

Scrap Dragon can help you comply with the new requirements as follows:

  1. Documentation and record keeping
  2. Payment restrictions
  3. Reporting
  4. Form printing

Documentation and Record Keeping
There are a number of new document, photographic and record keeping requirements.

  1. In some circumstances the scrap yard is required to obtain customer certificates, proof of ownership and signed statements from sellers. These will be scanned with a Fujitsu scanner and stored in Jpegger either by customer or by ticket whichever is appropriate.
  2. The scrap yard is required to obtain a signed affidavit from the seller. This can be captured with our electronic signature pads.
  3. The scrap yard is required to obtain digital photographs of the articles purchased and the seller. These are obtained automatically by positioning a camera over each scale, ferrous and nonferrous and at the pay window.
  4. The scrap yard is required to distinguish between different types of materials (tube, wire, extrusion, etc). This may change the way the commodities are defined.
  5. The scrap yard is required to keep a copy of the check, voucher or funds transfer issued in payment of the transaction. This is done by setting up Scrap Dragon to automatically save a pdf copy of these documents in jpegger with the other images for the ticket.
  6. The scrap yard is required to get the ID of both the seller and the deliverer of the material if different. Scrap Dragon permits scanning additional ID’s and associating them with the ticket.

Payment Restrictions
Except for exempt customers and a limited number or exempt commodites (beverage cans and batteries), payments can only be made by cash voucher, check or electronic funds transfer.

  1. Customers that are exempt can be flagged exempt from payment rules in the customer master.
  2. Customers that are not exempt and have a default pay method of check will always be paid by check.
  3. Customers that are not exempt and have a default pay method of cash will have their tickets split between cash now (cans and batteries) and voucher cash (all commodities), unless the commodities are set to default payment by check.

The new law requires the reporting of transactions to Leadsonline. This includes the customer ID and the signed affidavit from the signature pad. See the related article on setting up Leadsonline.

The following specific language is required to be added to the scale purchase ticket that the customer must sign, or to the electronic signature pad. Attached is a file of suggested language for the tickets and signature pad.

‘A secondary metals recycler is any person who is engaged, from a fixed location or otherwise, in the business in this state of paying compensation for regulated metal property that has served its original economic purpose, whether or not engaged in the business of performing the manufacturing process by which regulated metal property is converted into raw material products consisting of prepared grades and having an existing or potential economic value. No ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, aluminum property, copper property, or catalytic converters (batteries, aluminum beverage containers, used beverage containers, or similar beverage containers are exempt) may be purchased by a secondary metals recycler unless such secondary metals recycler is a holder of a valid permit issued pursuant to Article 14 of Chapter 1 of Title 10 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. I hereby certify that I am the rightful owner or am authorized to sell the regulated metal property being sold.’

Recommended Windows, Scrap Dragon and Jpegger setup


  1. Setup the IP cameras on the scales and pay windows with static IP addresses.
  2. Create a folder on the server under the Dragon folder to store the temporary document scans.
  3. Setup the Fujitsu scanner on the cashier station or wherever the required documents will be scanned. See the related document on installation of the fujitsu scanner.
  4. Unless you are using a custom purchase scale ticket form, copy the ‘Georgia Scale Ticket’ from the \\server_name\dragon\setup\sample forms\thermal star wide\scale ticket folder into the \\server_name\forms folder. This form is the same as scale tick wide but with the required language for Georgia.
  5. If you are using a signature pad with disclaimer language set up in Scrap Dragon, copy the ‘GA Scale Tick Pts Disclaimer’ from the \\server_name\dragon\setup\sample forms\thermal star wide\scale ticket folder into the \\server_name\forms folder. This form uses the disclaimer language that is configured in Scrap Dragon. The form and suggested disclaimer text is available as an attachment below.


  1. Upgrade to jpegger version 2.0 or later.
  2. Copy tables.csv from \\server_name\dragon\setup\options\jpegger\data into \\server_name\program files(x86)\jpegger\data and restart jpegger. This will create the cust_pics table for saving certificates with the customer.
  3. Create a ‘single file’ camera in jpegger for saving pdf documents and additional ID’s to be saved with tickets.
  4. Create a ‘directory’ camera in jpegger for saving scanned documents (certificates, proof of ownership and signed statements from sellers) and specify the folder created above as the directory name.
  5. Setup additional cameras as needed for capturing photos from the scales and pay window
  6. If you are using the Topaz signature pad, you will need to add the required certification in sigconfig and update to jpegger. see the related article on setting up the signature pad. For both the Topaz and the Wacom signature pads you will need to create a single file camera in jpegger.


  1. Upgrade to Scrap Dragon version 7.0 or later.
  2. In Program Options, check the box for ‘Use Commodity Payment Rules’. Also check the box ‘Save ID image in jpegger on Ticket Close’.
  3. Setup Government Metal Forms in User Definable Tables for each metal form, eg. Tube, Wire, Sheet, Extrusion, etc.
  4. Commodity setup in Commmodity Master File maintenance:
    • Specify the government metal form, eg. tube, wire, sheet, extrusion

GA Disclaimer.txt
GA Scale Tick Pts Disclaimer.FRT
GA Scale Tick Pts Disclaimer.frx
Georgia Cashier Wide Sig.FRT
Georgia Cashier Wide Sig.frx
Georgia Scale Ticket.frx
Georgia Scale Ticket.FRT

Related Articles:
Signature Pad Setup
Installing the Fujitsu S510, S1500 Title Scanner
Leadsonline Install & Setup
New SigPlus Pro Activexs 4.30
Setting up for Automatic PDF Ticket, Receipt & Check Capture
Setting up for Saving Customer Certificates in JPEGger
How to Automatically Save PDF Documents to JPEGger

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