Installing the USB Crossmatch Verifier

USB support for the Crossmatch Verifier was added with Scrap Dragon Version 6.4i

Do not plug in the Verifier until the USB_SDK software has been installed and the system rebooted.

  1. Download the “USB SDK for Verifier 300LC and 310LC” from the Crossmatch web site. US-SDKS
  2. Extract the files to a known folder and run setup. Choose Minimum Install.
  3. Reboot the computer.
  4. Plug in the USB verifier.
  5. Copy Crossmatchslave.exe from the dragon\setup\drivers\crossmatch folder on the server into the local dragon folder (usually c:\dragonlocal). Copy USB4xxx.dll from the Program Files\Crossmatch folder into the local dragon folder (usually c:\dragonlocal).
  6. Create a folder on the server for the temporary fingerprint images from THIS verifier. If there is more than one USB verifier on the network, then each verifier will need its own folder on the server.
  7. In JPEGger, add a camera for THIS verifier, use the camera type ‘Directory’ and specify the directory name from step 6 above.
  8. In Scrap Dragon; back office; maintenance; setup; local computer options; imaging tab. Enter the name of the Fingerprint camera from step 7 above. Click USB and enter the path name to the camera directory from step 6 above. Click “Close” and/or “Pay” to specify when fingerprints will be captured.


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